Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2015

From Tamale back to Accra

Gestern Abend dachte ich, dass ich zeitig zu Bett gehe. Ich bin dann noch draußen im Garten gesessen und habe noch über den vergangenen Tag nachgedacht. Es sprachen mich dann 2 junge Männer an und fragten mich, ob ich mit ihnen in die Kirche mitgehen möchte. Es waren hier im Guesthouse 20 " black katholic brothers" und so sassen wir dann in der Kirche: 20 katholische Brüder und 1 weisse Frau...we spoke about the feelings of the day...anschliessend haben wir in der angrenzenden Bar noch eine interessante Diskussion zum Thema "what are they doing with their sexual feelings" geführt. It was very interesting. It was realy a nice evening and it changed my thouts.
Als ich heute morgen im Garten mein Frühstück aß (ich habe mich jetzt 2 Tage von Bananen, Tee-Brot und Wasser ernährt) musste ich an meinen kleinen Freund denken: he came into my life, he touched my heard and even my soul, tears are coming up and it was clear for me: I have to support my beloved litte friend. I don´t know how, but I will do it. I even don´t know his name. But I will find it out and then I will support him: I will give him some medical treatment for his eyes, he can´t speak, therfore I don´t know if he goes to school....but I will find it out...I feel that it is the duty of my heard and the wish of my soul.
Am Nachmittag hatte ich meinen Flug von Tamale nach Accra. Although I did not have a confirmation of my accomodation the taxi driver picked me up. Last time I had a confirmation but nobody picked me up. The ganian way is really very interesting and surprising. After arriving here in the Pink Hostel I enjoyed a shower with running water and had a vegetarian curry. Last time I could not eat all but this time I was so hungry that I did not left anything.
It is my last night here in Africa. I met a girl from Passau who is studying in Linz. She is also leaving tomorrow at almost the same time. Therefore we spend our time together...
It was really a good decision to go back is really a big challenge.


"Tue immer das was aus deinem Herzen kommt."  Osho

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